Facial Treatments



Microneedling is a cosmetic treatment that involves pricking the skin with tiny, sterilized needles to treat wrinkles, sun damage, enlarged pores, dark spots and scars in addition to preventing the signs of aging. The small pricks cause your body to stimulate collagen and elastin production, supporting your skin’s health, resilience, and softness. You might also hear it called collagen induction therapy. It can also be used to boost the skin’s receptiveness to additional topical treatments.

How Microneedling Works: Microneedling is a simple, comfortable office procedure that requires no downtime. The needles penetrate the skin at controlled depths that are targeted to your specific condition. Your practitioner glides the pen over your skin, focusing closely on areas of special concern.

Microneedling with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) uses SkinPen® technology to stimulate the body’s natural healing process to remodel skin, softening lines and wrinkles, and correcting scars. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), facilitated by the SkinPen®, uses your skin’s natural properties and ability to repair damaged tissues. This allows your skin to look its very best.

How Microneedling with PRP Platelet Rich Plasma Works: Using a small sample of your blood, the blood is spun to produce enriched plasma that can be applied where it is needed with the SkinPen®. The SkinPen® uses a microneedling process that creates mini-injuries. As the skin heals with SkinPen® aftercare, the result is better-looking, youthful, and smooth skin.

Before & After Photos



Experience the benefits


Restore your natural beauty


Enhance your appearance


Elevate your confidence